What We Do
Television & On-Screen Content
Choose Rebel Safety for filming commercials, scripted and high-end television in studios and on location.
We support you with:
- Storyboard reviews
- Script breakdown
- Location and technical recces
- Pre-production planning
- Crew training
- Freelancer vetting
- Production risk assessments
- Adverse weather plans
- On-set support
Events & Experiential Activity
Choose Rebel Safety for events and experiential activity in public spaces and venues.
We support you with:
- Creative brief reviews
- Site visits
- Pre-production planning
- Liaising with licensing authorities
- Contractor vetting & coordination
- Site inductions
- Event risk assessments
- Event safety plans
- Adverse weather plans
- On-site support
Learn through Rebel Safety’s engaging face-to-face training when and where you want it. Swerve the gobbledygook and death by PowerPoint. Expect relevant on-brand content, interactive discussion and helpful industry insights from our one-day masterclasses:
- Safe Management of Productions
- Safe Management of Events
- Safe Management of Experiential Marketing
Commission Rebel Safety to review your risk management arrangements, identifying areas of excellence and improvement with clear, actionable advice.
Appoint Rebel Safety to provide ongoing expert help through our innovative flexi-retainer. Giving you peace of mind without tying you down.